SuSE Linux

Oracle Java in Linux - The easy way

Submitted by gunnar on

Since Oracle Java can no longer be available in the various Linux distributions, for licensing reasons, a number of more or less complicated guides have been written about how to install Oracle Java manually. This is another such guide, but less ambitious and hopefully easier to understand and use. It only describes how to install the JRE (the Java Runtime Environment), integrate it with Firefox and create a shortcut to the Java Control Panel.

Using Smb4K on openSUSE 12.3 without password prompt

Submitted by gunnar on

Smb4K is my favorite tool for browsing and mounting SMB shares. Up until openSUSE 12.2 it mounted shares without prompting for the root password, through sudo rules. With openSUSE 12.2, this did not work out of the box anymore. The following post by Alexander Reinholdt helped me with the local policy override settings needed:

Root's password required every (u-) mount

Adding dictionary for Thunderbird in OpenSUSE 12.2

Submitted by gunnar on

After installing Thunderbird I found that although I had installed myspell-swedish from the package repositiory I didn't get Swedish as an option in Thunderbird. I checked the file list for the thunderbird package and it showed a directory called /usr/lib64/thunderbird/dictionaries. This directory contained symbolic links to /usr/share/myspell/en_US.aff and /usr/share/myspell/en_US.dic but not to the files for Swedish. Perhaps it would if I had installed the dictionary before thunderbird, don't know.

Workaround for VMware bug 2293 on OpenSUSE 11.4

Submitted by gunnar on

After setting up my new Dell Precision T1600 with OpenSUSE 11.4 I found that I could no longer run VMware. Got a message about some NMI problem and bug # 2293. I searched for a solution and found the following article apparently describing my problem:…

Nice looking fonts in GTK applications on openSUSE 11.4

Submitted by gunnar on

When I installed Open SuSE 11.4 yesterday I thought that the fonts used in GTK applications like Firefox and Thunderbird were really ugly. In my KDE settings I have specified that I want it to use my KDE fonts in GTK applications but this setting seems to have no effect. To fix this I installed gnome-control-center from the repository and changed the fonts to 8 point Liberation Sans and Liberation Mono. Now the GTK applications look just as good as the KDE ones.

Fixed NIC names

Submitted by gunnar on

I have two NIC's, one wired and one wireless. On each boot SuSE 9.3 seems to randomly assign eth0 to one of them and eth1 to the other. It doesn't matter that the wireless is disabled. How do I assign a fixed name to each NIC?


You need to assign a "persistent name" to each NIC.

In "/etc/sysconfig/network" you will find a file named ifcfg-something for each NIC. Edit the ones whose names end with MAC adresses and add the line


to one of them, and


to the other, then run



/etc/init.d/network restart.