
Adding dictionary for Thunderbird in OpenSUSE 12.2

Submitted by gunnar on

After installing Thunderbird I found that although I had installed myspell-swedish from the package repositiory I didn't get Swedish as an option in Thunderbird. I checked the file list for the thunderbird package and it showed a directory called /usr/lib64/thunderbird/dictionaries. This directory contained symbolic links to /usr/share/myspell/en_US.aff and /usr/share/myspell/en_US.dic but not to the files for Swedish. Perhaps it would if I had installed the dictionary before thunderbird, don't know.

Nice looking fonts in GTK applications on openSUSE 11.4

Submitted by gunnar on

When I installed Open SuSE 11.4 yesterday I thought that the fonts used in GTK applications like Firefox and Thunderbird were really ugly. In my KDE settings I have specified that I want it to use my KDE fonts in GTK applications but this setting seems to have no effect. To fix this I installed gnome-control-center from the repository and changed the fonts to 8 point Liberation Sans and Liberation Mono. Now the GTK applications look just as good as the KDE ones.